We need people in our lives that will encourage us, push us, and surround us with support when we need it most. These kinds of friendships aren’t formed in rows on Sunday mornings, and they are made in circles - Circles in our living rooms, coffee shops, around a dinner table. Circles are where we can really be seen and known. That’s what Small Groups are all about.

Find your circle in an ConnectPoint Church Small Group.


At ConnectPoint Church, Small Groups are a place to find authentic relationships with like-minded people. Want a men's group? Find a group where you can pump some iron! Want to study God’s word? There is a group for you! Need to connect with like-minded women? Join a women's group! Whatever interests you have, there is a group for you.


You don’t have to be perfect to host a Small Group. Countless times in the Bible, God used ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Your primary role as a Small Group Host is to help your group members move one step closer in their walk with God.


  • Childcare varies from group to group. When you search our directory for a group, the group profile will indicate if childcare is available.

  • Small Groups meet in various locations throughout our community. You can check out the directory for more specific locations.

  • Every Small Group is different, yet still offers the same key components. Small Groups can be friends having breakfast or people studying a book or topic of interest. All Small Groups must have these four things: fellowship with others, an activity or discussion, prayer, and a spiritual component such as a bible verse or Sunday message reflection.

  • We have a Free Market Small Group system at ConnectPoint Church. Your life is your group, so whatever you are currently doing, just do it on purpose. Small Groups are a way you connect with like-minded individuals, so do what you like to do, just with others!

  • A Host from that Small Group will reach out with further details about the next meeting. Make sure you check the email you used to sign in!